Sunday, March 13, 2005

Karsh Kale's Milan and Letting go

I met KK at an Asian massive party in SF recently, but had known his music for a year or so before that .. I had his Redesign album and knew there was something about this artist .. something about his clarity and the fluent use of raw music in his tracks. However it wasn't until i heard Liberation's 'Milan' and 'Letting go' that i realised that there is a genius involved here. Both tracks have such an abundance of soul power they move every time you hear them. The progression from instrument to instrument in the tracks is flawless and woven as beautifully as silk.
And the man is down to earth. He had just finished spinning an awesome set at the party and i saw him walk by to the upper floor where he was sitting cross legged on the floor listening to some live classical tabla and sitar being played. I left after exchanging a few words and shaking hands
with him. A man who knows his music and knows what he wants to do with it .. what else can you ask for .

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