Sunday, November 23, 2008

I found it ... again! Ida Corr vs Fedde Le Grand

Ok this is becoming a menace now.

I reported a while ago how it took me ages to figure out a track I had heard a couple of times at clubs. It turned out to be Switch's "a bit patchy"

After my graduation party at the cuckoo club (where I had the privilege of playing a track or two for the crowd myself), the DJ played a song sort of latish in the evening after I was a couple of Patron shots down. The only thing I took away with me was the main rhythm which ended with 3 short sharp sounds. I picked up no lyrics whatsoever.

With that in my head I went looking for 3 months with no reward.

Finally, last week I was humming the tune in my head and suddenly had a mash up of this track with Fedde Le Grand's "put your hands up for Detroit" which made me realise they were quite similar in their structure. I immediately looked up other tracks from the man and Voila, I hit gold with the first one I picked.

Ida Corr vs Fedde Le Grand - Let me think about it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Britney Spears - Womaniser

Is it only me who thinks that Britney's Womaniser is a really crap track. No surprise here because many of her tracks are rubbish.

What bothers me more is that people are totally giving her credit for her comeback without paying any attention to her comeback music. Fine she's been through a lot so give her credit for coming out clean and sane. But that does not change the fact that Womaniser is just not up to par.

The lyricist must have written "Womaniser, womaniser, womaniser, womaniser (instruction: repeat as necessary)"

At least when Eminem did not have anything to say he admitted it in "Just lose it" by writing "Tubba tubba tubba tubba tubba tubba tubba, I don't have any lines to go right here so Tubba"