Sunday, November 23, 2008

I found it ... again! Ida Corr vs Fedde Le Grand

Ok this is becoming a menace now.

I reported a while ago how it took me ages to figure out a track I had heard a couple of times at clubs. It turned out to be Switch's "a bit patchy"

After my graduation party at the cuckoo club (where I had the privilege of playing a track or two for the crowd myself), the DJ played a song sort of latish in the evening after I was a couple of Patron shots down. The only thing I took away with me was the main rhythm which ended with 3 short sharp sounds. I picked up no lyrics whatsoever.

With that in my head I went looking for 3 months with no reward.

Finally, last week I was humming the tune in my head and suddenly had a mash up of this track with Fedde Le Grand's "put your hands up for Detroit" which made me realise they were quite similar in their structure. I immediately looked up other tracks from the man and Voila, I hit gold with the first one I picked.

Ida Corr vs Fedde Le Grand - Let me think about it.

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